Thursday, July 30, 2009

Who is the Ultimate Sugar Daddy?

The Ultimate Sugar Daddy is a matter of personal taste. Consider: the folks who created the George Burns Memorial Sugar Daddy Award bestowed their first award on New York's former Gov. Eliot Spitzer, who left office after it was revealed he's been paying for time with a high-end call girl.

Now, I've got nothing against Mr. Spitzer per se. But there are a lot more fish in the sea of potential sugar daddies from the celebrity world. Jack Nicholson comes to mind (picture yourself court-side at a New York Knicks game!). Bill Maher also fits the bill, no pun intended, but he's not for everyone (he's a bit of a talker).

I think we should all recognize that Playboy founder Hugh Hefner is the sugar daddy to end all sugar daddies. He made his fortune on his ability to attract a never-end flow of lovelies who come and go as he sees fit. Even at his advanced age Hef still has "it" - and flaunts it on his own reality show.

Well, what do you think? Who in your opinion is the ultimate sugar daddy?

Replying to Mr. Right (now!)

Your Richie Rich has just responded to your ad on, and instantly you begin to think that your sugar daddy dating dreams have come true. But wait! Yes, you have attracted a potential date, but now you must respond in a way that continues to keep the interest of your would-be sugar daddy.

First, take a deep breath. Then prepare yourself to write the best reply you possible can. The reply needs to be strong, straightforward and memorable. Sugar daddies often have lots of people working to make a connection, and now is your chance to make a lasting impression.

So, what makes you stand out in a crowd? Whatever it is - it should be the basis of your reply.

Second, make sure your letter is well-written and free of spelling or grammar mistakes. If you need to rely on a friend who has editing or writing experience, do so. Most sugar daddies are college educated, and they won't respond well to a display of ignorance.

Remember - this is a LETTER - not a call or text message. Don't abbreviate or try to shorthand anything. Be clear.

Flattery will get you everywhere! Show him you cared enough to read his ad by repeating key words or phrases from the ad. If your reply sounds like an auto-response message that didn't first read his message, it will be treated as spam and discarded unread.

Don't make demands. Be casual and go with the flow. Make it clear you are a flexible person who is a good sport about just about everything.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Sugar Daddy Dating: Another kind of stimulus package

In this downwardly mobile economy, how can you NOT consider finding a sugar daddy? That's what I want to know.

Don't get me wrong. I've heard all of the arguments - the pros and cons - the supposed moral dilemnas. But here's the bottom line - money talks - and financial security, something I previously took for granted, now seems terribly important in all areas of my life INCLUDING who I date.

Sugar daddy dating is growing in popularity as others come to the same realization I just described. At, we offer sugar daddies, sugar babies and, well, anyone interested in either, the change to connect and find what they want in a date.

And it's not like my sights were set impossibly high. Long term relationships are great for other people, but they've never worked out for me. My life has never resembled The Notebook in any way. Titanic? Maybe. As in lots of attractive people standing around in tuxedos, but all the prospects are jumping ship before I can get to them.

You have to be a bit empowered, though. Sugar daddy dating is NOT for the timid. You have to believe in yourself - and in your ability to attract the best - in order to find success in this uncharted territory.

As our economy continues to crumble, I say the time has come to be bold in all aspects of our lives - including dating. I'm going to continue to seek a sugar daddy dating situation that suits me - and I think we can all find that at

Friday, July 17, 2009

Why sugar daddy dating?

It's no secret that many successful men and women struggle to find dates. That's why sugar daddy dating has become so popular, even if it's yet to become a mainstream rite. Why not pair your emotional happiness and romantic desires with the very human need for financial security?

Sugar daddy dating is actually quite simple and very pure. It pairs what we are - wealthy, successful, looking for love - with what we need - attractive, beautiful people also looking for love. The fact that financial considerations are central to the idea of sugar daddy dating misses the point. It's about knowing what you want and finding it in another person. In this way, it's no different than the way young people seek other young people, educated people seek educated people, etc.

A successful coupling is one that gives both parties what they want - and that is why sugar daddy dating makes sense to many people.
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