Monday, August 31, 2009

Tips For Writing Your Online Dating Profile

Are you having a hard time coming up with the perfect introduction for your sugar daddy dating profile?  Whether you're setting up a profile for a sugar daddy site or a regular online dating profile, certain rules remain the same. offers these tips:

  • Be honest in your profile. The more information that's in your profile about you, the more likely you'll meet a match.
  • Upload recent photos... meaning they've been taken within the last year. The more recent your photos, the more likely the person viewing your profile will be able to tell if there's an attraction before he or she contacts you. Why waste each other's time with old pictures?
  • If you are seriously looking for a boyfriend or girlfriend, don't upload skimpy photos. Men get the idea that you are not a serious prospect if they see you've uploaded pictures that show too much skin.
  • Don't include 69 in your profile name. You'd think that's obvious, but apparently not to some users.
  • In your profile description of yourself, don't say that you are "just looking for fun" unless you really are. You will not be viewed as serious girlfriend material if you offer up yourself as a party girl.
  • Don't put your full name anywhere in your profile; you don't want people to be able to look up information about you. Even when you begin e-mailing someone, be careful about revealing your first and last name. You only know what the person talking to you has told you... and he or she will only tell you what they want you to know. He could be a prince... or a real psycho, so proceed with caution!
  • Other users can see your username, so don't chose something that sounds too needy or desperate (ex. die4love, mslonely). If you sound too lonely, men will pick up on that right away.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Tips on effective sugar daddy dating


Be yourself. Use your real name and be honest about your likes and dislikes. If you're not upfront about what you are looking for, you will never find it. When talking with a potential date for the first time, it's OK to play it safe.

Use personal e-mails and phone numbers so that you won't have to deal with any fallout at work. Keep work and play separate. Don't say anything you wouldn't want everyone to read. But don't be afraid to get out there and look for what you want.

Honesty inspires more of the same, so don't lie. If you're a few pounds overweight - or a brunette - or very tall - it's best to be upfront. You want someone who likes you for you, right?
Let them get to know the real you. Exchange a current photo.

The worst thing about dating is the nasty surprise that comes from meeting someone who lied or wasn't honest about their appearance or situation. Reduce your chances of being surprised by insisting upon seeing a photo ahead of time. Most of the better dating sites (like have photos so you can make sure you're getting what you want.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Fairy tales really DO come true ...


It's a story we've heard before. It happens more often than you might think. A woman was nearly crushed by debt. She had gone a little overboard with the credit cards and leaned on them even more when she lost her job. Then came the bills.

The final tally - $20,000 in credit card. With no way to pay it off - and barely able to keep up with the monthly minimum fees - she was in debt and spiraling downward toward total disaster - bankruptcy.

Then she had a thought: I need a sugar daddy! At first it was a joke, but then it got serious when she realized she could pull it off. After all, she was young and attractive. Surely there were plenty of men out there who would love to date her - and give her a sense of financial security that she had been sorely lacking in the last few years.

Why not, right? So she went in search of a sugar daddy - a man of means who knows how to treat a woman right. Soon, she'd found him - her sugar daddy. Days were filled with trips to top clothiers or the jeweler. Nights were glamour-filled adventures - whisked from the hot new restaurant in a spacious limo to the big dance club that would never let her in - until now. Trips to the Cape. Cruises to the beach.

The story may sound incredible - but this also happens all the time. Soon the only thing that nagged the woman was this one question - why had she waited so long to find a sugar daddy? Sometimes fairy tales do come true.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Keeping it informal

Why not spoil yourself? A sugar daddy will provide the spoils you crave without the commitment of a serious relationship.

Wouldn't you just love to be dating a man who is settled in life with plenty of wealth and status? Sugar daddy dating gives you the security that is increasingly hard to find in these uncertain times.

Let him indulge you with expensive gifts, fine dining and lavish holidays. Say goodbye to loneliness and hello to a prosperous, secure future spent with a man of quality.

It's time to keep it informal with a sugar daddy who's ready to pamper you in ways you've only dreamed.
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