Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Mutual Arrangements Makes Huge Splash in Sugar Daddy Dating

PRWEB) September 28, 2009 -- MutualArrangements.com thundered into the world of Sugar Daddy Dating recently, celebrating its Grand Opening. The fast growing site, which already boasts tens of thousands of members in the U.S. and worldwide, is based in Miami Beach, FL, widely known as a hub for wealthy men and gorgeous women.

The site's launch follows two years of careful research, planning and development. Mutual Network CEO Donald Hobbs commented, "Sugar Daddy Dating is one of the hottest and most popular trends in the online dating marketplace, and we believe that we've done a thorough job of studying the market and incorporating the best online features into Mutual Arrangements."

Sugar Daddy Dating is a spin on "wealthy dating" sites - focusing on generous benefactors, known as Sugar Daddies and Sugar Mommies, who are looking to pamper and spoil younger single women and men, known as Sugar Babies. The Sugar Daddy Dating niche has been receiving lots of attention recently, with features on such high-profile media outlets as The New York Times, Dr. Phil, 20/20 and more.

Hobbs continued, "We have been overwhelmed by how many of our site's visitors quickly become our newest members. We believe that to be a tribute to Mutual Arrangements' ease of use, the right mix of features for our members, and a genuine demand in the market for a reputable, trustworthy Sugar Daddy site. We're just excited to be here, and our members seem to be as well!"

Hobbs and his team have a combined 23 years of experience in the world of online matchmaking sites, but this is their first foray into the Sugar Daddy Dating niche. "What our experience has taught us is that members expect websites they trust to be totally secure with their personal information", Hobbs said. "They don't want pop-up ads in their face or the risk of picking up an online virus. And they want prompt, responsive customer service when they have questions."

Membership is free at Mutual Arrangements, with additional features available for Premium members. All basic memberships allow users to fill out information about themselves, search for other users in the extensive database, "wink" at other members, post up to 5 photos of themselves, and write an extensive introduction about themselves if they wish - all for free!

For more information about Mutual Arrangements, visit MutualArrangements.com.

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Saturday, September 19, 2009

Is A Cougar A Sugar Mommy?

We get asked this question a lot, and the truth is, there's no simple answer. However, generally speaking, a Cougar is not the same as a Sugar Mommy. For those who aren't familiar with a "Cougar", here's how UrbanDictionary.com describes a Cougar: "A Cougar is a female, usually between thirty and fifty years-old, who enjoys the sexual company of younger men."  Over the last couple of years, Cougars were thrust into the limelight thanks to skits like this one from Saturday Night Live.

Answers.com describes a Sugar Mommy as "a rich, usually older woman who offers money or gifts to a less rich, usually younger person in return for companionship or sexual favors."

Therefore, when you look at the two, the primary difference between a Cougar and a Sugar Mommy is the "gifting" aspect. While Sugar Mommies are seeking companionship in exchange for money or gifts such as clothes, cars, tuition, etc., a Cougar is merely in it for the sex without any financial and/or gifts involved. In fact, the biggest difference between the two is a Cougar is not looking for a companion, but rather just a short term sexual affair as opposed to Sugar Mommies who are looking for a companion either in or out of the bedroom.

There are many dating sites that cater to Cougars, but only a few that cater to Sugar Mommies. Our site, MutualArrangements.com happens to be one of the few online dating sites that caters to both Sugar Daddies and Sugar Mommies. In fact, we have one of the largest databases of Sugar Baby Males of any of the prominent Sugar Daddy Dating Sites. So, if you're a Sugar Mommy, you might want to give us a look. You'll definitely find quite a lot of handsome men and women ready to be your companion.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Do You Know How To Text Flirt?

Want to learn how to text flirt?

Texting has become THE best way to flirt and interact with women. Done correctly, you can have her constantly thinking about YOU whenever you’re not around. The problem is many guys don’t have a clue about how to text flirt. In this article, I’ll cover THREE great ways you can use text messaging to flirt with a girl and enhance the sexual tension:

#1- Use Call Back Humor

When you first meet a woman, it’s important to have a fun, flirty conversation that she’ll remember. Often, I like to tease a girl on something about her background or her interests. Then I’ll assign her a nickname. And once I get her digits, I’ll send a quick text message that refers back to this nickname.

This is what’s known as “Call Back Humor”. It’s taking a previous conversation and using it to seed future discussions. When texting a girl, you should always refer back to private jokes and conversations that you had with her.

#2- Create Familiarity

Call back humor is a form of what’s commonly known as “assumed familiarity”. When texting a girl, you want to create the vibe that you’re ALREADY buddies. Joke around with your messages. Don’t be afraid to tease her. And act like you’ve known one another for years.

#3- Use Your Imagination

People (even women) live boring lives. Your text messages should help break the monotony of her day and get her to imagine what it would be like to go on an ‘adventure’ with you. For instance, you could text something like: “It’s 80 degrees out, wonder what it would like to skip work today and go to the beach with you???”. Then you can text back and forth about the different things you would bring on your little adventure.

Text messaging doesn’t have to be serious or formal. The idea is to use this device to playfully flirt and get her thinking about you. If you want to know how to text flirt, then I recommend you try out the three tips that I discuss in this article.  For more flirting ideas, check out my friend Steve Scott's FlirtMastery.com.  He's the MASTER at flirting...

Monday, September 14, 2009

8 Tips For Dating Younger Women - Listen Up Potential Sugar Daddies

Creative Loafing published a great article today for potential Sugar Daddies who are looking for tips on how to date younger women. They offer up these eight tips:

1) Don’t make a big deal about the age difference. You can’t completely avoid the discussion, but unless she specifically finds it exciting (some do), don’t bring it up often. Avoid making her feel like a fetish item. Instead, let her know that you really like her and she just happens to be younger.

2) Pay for dinner. Always. Guys her age are most likely at a difference place financially and she, therefore, is used to sometimes paying or at least splitting the bill. I’m not suggesting you take her on shopping sprees or pay her bills (unless you’re going for sugar daddy), but if you can afford to do so, cover dinners and drinks. This is often cited as a perk of dating up.

3) Have you dated women younger than her? Doesn’t matter. Unless she asks, let her think she’s the youngest woman you’ve been with. There’s something sexy about that. Everyone wants to feel special, yes? Especially if the age gap is significant (15+), she may find your having been with a younger woman kinda sketchy. It’s better she think she’s the exception, not the rule.

4) Practice safe sex. This is the one complaint I hear over and over from women dating older men: they whine about/refuse to use condoms. If you’re monogamous and have both been tested, find some other method of contraception and have at it. Before you get to that point, however, at least offer to use protection. Ultra thin condoms and a damn good lube will get you through. Groan. I know, I know sex is better without. But if young guys wear ‘em and older men won’t, who would you feel safer humping?

and if things get a bit more serious…

5) Don’t be clingy. This is generally a perk of dating older fellows. Communicate, but don’t pry. Be available, but never cling. Exercise your maturity here. You’re wiser and more experienced than the toddlers she’s hobnobbed with, so don’t revert to your needy, inner 17-year-old.

6) Hang out with your friends before hers. She’s used to being around you, so your friends will likely feel familiar. Hers, on the other hand, might seem young and stupid. Warning: her straight male pals may despise you. “Why can this middle-aged schmuck get her and I can’t?!” Proceed with caution. Be nice, be smart, be patient.

7) Wait a while to meet her parents. It could be awkward, especially if you’re closer to their age than hers. Let them get used to the idea first. The ‘rents should know that you really make her happy before they meet the older dude who’s giving it to their daughter.

8) Don’t ask her to wear little-girl panties, school girl costumes, etc. If it’s her idea, great, but again, try to avoid the creep factor. Be judicious about how you introduce any kink into the relationship. Don’t freak her out.

Article Source: CreativeLoafing.com

Sunday, September 13, 2009

During The Recession, Online Dating Is Up and Divorce Is Down

Well, there is one good thing about the recession we're in: Couples are staying together and weathering the storm rather than jumping ship, and more singles are going online looking for love and money than ever before.  Here's the scoop from an article entitled Recessions Change Love Statistics, Too:

Is it true that misery loves company?

Just look at the trends.

Divorce lawyers say business is down. Online dating sites are experiencing double-digit growth.

So in this troubling economy, it appears love really does conquer all, right?

Not exactly.

Struggling couples are are staying together for love and money while singles are looking for romance and half the rent.

“I've had clients joke about how they need a double-income household,” said Lisa Purdum, a matchmaker for It's Just Lunch in San Diego.

While the number of divorce filings has been steady over the past couple of years, local divorce attorneys are seeing slower business. According to the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers, 37 percent of its members said they typically see a decrease divorce cases during national economic downturns.
Later in the article:

Online dating sites such as eHarmony.com and Perfectmatch.com have seen business increase dramatically during the downturn. At eHarmony, registrations from September 2008 to January 2009 have increased 20 percent from the same period a year ago.

The worse the economic news, the more people seem to seek out love, Gonzaga said. For instance, on days the Dow dropped by 100 points or more, eHarmony saw an increase in the number of pages people viewed on its site compared with days when the Dow increased by 100 points or more.

Perfectmatch.com has found a similar trend. In the fourth quarter, when the Dow plummeted, revenue increased 42 percent from the previous quarter and the number of registrants jumped by 62 percent.

The sites attribute part of the increased interest to the fact that people are staying home to save money and spending more time on their computers. Finding someone online is simply more cost-effective than paying for overpriced drinks at a bar.

Duane Dahl, CEO of Perfectmatch.com, called relationships and online dating "one of those air-and-water categories that is never going to go away."

But Shoshana Grossbard, an economics professor at San Diego State University, isn't so sure that all those online daters are looking for marriage. She said marriage typically loses its allure during tough economic times. During the early years of the Great Depression, for instance, the number of marriages dropped from 1,233,000 in 1929 to 982,000 in 1932, a 20 percent decline. So far in San Diego County, marriage numbers have remained strong, however, perhaps buoyed in part by a flurry of gay marriages last year.

To read the entire article, go to this page on SignonSanDiego.com.

P.S.  Want to know which sites have benefited the most from the downturn in the economy?  You guessed it - Sugar Daddy Dating sites!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Sugar Daddy In The News - A Day In The Life Of A Sugar Baby

We found an interesting article in the Yale Daily News the other day. It's a quick peek into the life of a Sugar Baby:

I never ate alone. It’s one of those funky networking adages that needy employees use to get ahead in their companies. As an unpaid summer intern, I was granted a grand opportunity: to wake up at inhumane hours, reek of mass transit, and do little to nothing each day in the office.

But I was in love with 12:00, for lunchtime was my playground. An attractive manager — an older gentleman — took an interest in me, and our mentoring lunches became outings at restaurants with dim lights and expensive meals. Weekend meetings melted into hiking trips, free liquor and hotel reservations. Evening rides in his ’Benz became all too comfortable.

Needless to say, I didn’t mind the ring on his left hand — he was a married man with wife troubles, the rising epidemic of most execs and politicians. When a guy seems to find pleasure by buying you Victoria’s Secret gift cards, who can help but fall in love with a handsome sugar daddy? Now I know how Monica Lewinsky felt. So. Damn. Good.

If you'd like to know this feeling, you might want to check out MutualArrangements.com, the world's premier Sugar Daddy Dating website.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

When it Comes to Men, Some Women Have It...and You Can Too!

By Bob Grant, L.P.C. author of “The Woman Men Adore

Every day in my counseling office, I hear women say some variation of this:

“In the last few years, I have had relationships with men who, at first, seemed perfect for me. They were attentive, attractive and fun to be around. Then suddenly, as if they knew they had reeled me in, they stopped trying. They stopped calling as much, stopped taking me out and basically stopped the romantic dance that couples do when they are falling in love. Was it me? After all, I think I’m attractive, have a good personality and I work out to keep my body in nice shape. So why then, do I always end up with the men who become “couch potatoes” at my house? The men who would rather bring a six pack over and watch football all day and then expect me to fix dinner? Do I suddenly turn into just a “buddy” to them, the girl next door?

I see other women who, frankly, are not as attractive as I am or as thin as I am, who seem to get the “hot” men. I don’t necessarily mean gorgeous men, but the men who take them to nice restaurants, bring them flowers, take them dancing and, basically, “court” them. What secrets do they know that I don’t, because they certainly aren’t sharing them?”

Most women think a wonderful relationship is simply about finding the right man. The truth is that those women who have wonderful relationships didn’t necessarily know where to find good men, instead they attracted them. Would you like to learn how to attract and keep a wonderful man? The best way to find out probably isn’t by talking to a woman; instead, a man would be able to give you the secrets to a man’s heart.

I’d like to share with you the secrets that men find irresistible and powerless to resist. The dirty little secret is that having a perfect body isn’t nearly as important as you have been led to believe. You can discover this incredible information by simply clicking here.
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