Monday, April 5, 2010

Why It Is Safer To Be A Sugar Baby Than A Private Entertainer By Donald Hodges

Man and prostitute making out on bed with dollar banknotes scattered around
When a girl is at the end of her rope and has exhausted all options for paying off her debt, she can choose to become a private entertainer. But, before jumping headfirst into a risky occupation, it would be beneficial to explore Sugar Daddy dating. As a Sugar Baby, a girl can develop a rapport with her client for a long-standing relationship which promises both psychological and emotional safety. Otherwise, a girl will suffer insulting and damaging treatment during short gigs as a private entertainer. is one place girls can find Sugar Daddies for their protection.

First of all, a Sugar Baby can initiate contact with her Sugar Daddy online where she does not have to be concerned about the threat of unsolicited physicality. A girl can chat online and see photos of her Sugar Daddy before she decides to meet him. As a private entertainer, however, a girl is hired and expected to show up for one or several men she has not had the opportunity to screen.

The nature of a Sugar Daddy is giving, generous and protective. An arrangement with a Sugar Daddy ensures a Sugar Baby not only cash and companionship, but also dignity and gentle treatment. The men who hire private entertainers view the business agreement simply as a service in exchange for money and see no humanity in it. This can result in destructive behavior and unkind or abusive language. In either case, an entertainer suffers the physical damage of this treatment – whether it is self-imposed or inflicted by others. After all, psychological damage often manifests itself physically.

As a Sugar Baby, a girl has only one man to attend to in exchange for the spoils of romance. This makes for a safer lifestyle because there is one man to know and understand and trust. Having one partner also ensures safer sex, less risk of disease, and the comfort of knowing how to fulfill one man’s desires. As a private entertainer, a girl is expected to blindly trust many strange men who may not be clean, who may abuse drugs, and may be more adventurous in sexual encounters than a girl’s comfort level allows.

Finally, a girl never has to worry about being alone when she dates a Sugar Daddy. As a private entertainer, however, a girl may leave a bachelor party, a frat house, a bar, club or a private residence without a stronger male escort. After having performed for any audience of unknown men, a girl is put at risk of attack by a testosterone-filled man with an adrenaline rush. No matter where she parks, a girl opens herself up for assault on the walk between venue and vehicle. Even when she is safely in her car, there is no telling whether she is being followed. As a Sugar Baby, however, a girl will always have a protective man by her side and will never be made to expose her body before exposing herself to risk.


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