Wednesday, September 22, 2010

How Can Gay And Bisexual Men Find Casual Dating Male Partners Online By Donald Hodges

Gay couple embracing, smiling, portrait
Every gay man has a little diva in him. Get treated with the right respect when you find your gay Sugar Daddy on A tryst with a Sugar Daddy presents its posh perks and ample attention. When you date a Sugar Daddy you’re likely to blow some cash on the little – or big - pleasures of life.

Before you and your Daddy head out for a Saturday afternoon Bellini, the first order of business is a shopping trip. Hit up Zara or Armani Exchange for a cute vest to throw over your tee or treat yourselves to complimentary ensembles in the season’s hottest colors. Your Sugar Daddy will know all the best stores, but you may have to guide him as to the latest and greatest styles. Both your Sugar Daddy and you will make out in this exchange and you’ll be the cutest Candy Couple on Avenue Q.

Once you’ve donned your new butt-jeans, it’s time for a night on the town. Grab some sushi and saki at your favorite Japanese restaurant. Then go VIP at an upscale gay bar or cut a rug at a wild gay club. You may have to shake of the fruit flies for some one-on-one attention. Either way, prepare to be entertained - or to be entertainment.

Before the weekend winds down, be sure to check out that art exhibit you’ve been dying to see. There is nothing more relaxing than time spent with your special man at the museum.

The best part about having a Sugar Daddy, however, is the chance to be yourselves. Sugar Daddies have made it in the world because of their business savvy or austere intelligence. No doubt he is surrounded by men in the workplace who present a constant challenge as a business competitor or in terms of identity. This being the unfortunate case, a Sugar Baby has a job to do, too; and that is to help his Daddy relax and give him the opportunity to express himself genuinely. A Sugar Baby provides the safe and supportive space for Daddy to find relief from the stresses of the straight Alpha-male dominated business world.

That being said, weekend excursions to Provincetown, San Francisco or Philadelphia might be just the kind of Brotherly Love the doctor ordered. Sugar Daddy’s cash goes a long way in miles, too, and his Sweet ‘n’ Low Gayby is a necessary travel accessory.

Beyond the excitement of weekend outings, dance parties and intimate get-aways, a gay Sugar Daddy typically has a unique inside view of the Old Boys Club. You’ll have an opportunity to pick his brain, network, and maybe even get a boost in your own field. Use your head and his experience to work your way up the corporate ladder. You will be glad you did.


1 Response to "How Can Gay And Bisexual Men Find Casual Dating Male Partners Online By Donald Hodges"
  1. intergen1982 said...
    October 12, 2010 at 5:26 PM

    Omg awesome article!

    I've met a few sugar daddies online. some are duds, but i've met a few that were really kind, generous, and even hot! Im definitely into this stuff

    the best site i've found for meeting nice guys is

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