Sunday, July 25, 2010

What Do I Need To Do To Start A Mutually-Beneficial Relationship? By Donald Hodges

Couple Relaxing Outdoors
Mutually beneficial relationships consist of more than just hook-ups and casual dating. Instead, they are relationships wherein both partners get something special beyond just physical satisfaction. The first step for starting a mutually beneficial relationship is to find a partner that seeks treatment that is complimentary to your own desires. Such a companion can be found on

The people who subscribe to Mutual Arrangements are those who seek companionship that doesn’t stop at the physical, but which is also not indefinitely binding. When a man and woman meet through this online dating site, they already understand the wants and needs of the other person: typically a Sugar Daddy wants a hot girlfriend to spoil and show off while Sugar Babies want financial compensation for their companionship. This understanding leads to honesty and the ability to hash out details quid pro quo before a relationship is underway. After all, the sooner the details are worked out, the stronger a mutually beneficial relationship will be in the long run.

In order to begin, the two potential partners should establish an emotional connection and reciprocal respect by talking online. Once both parties are comfortable with one another, they should set up a time and place to meet. Ideally, a Sugar Daddy or Sugar Mommy will treat his or her Sugar Baby to a date at an up-scale restaurant where both parties can show off their elegance, grace, and style – this is a preview of what’s to come.

If the first date goes well, both Sugar Daddy and his Baby might agree to meet again. The second date might be something a bit more informal, such as a lunch date or an afternoon coffee, where a couple can easily continue to get to know one another. Generally, this date – or the third – is when a Sugar Baby will proposition for a certain amount of money or in-kind financial assistance. Because they have already begun to learn about one another and have a sense of what is going to work, this is the time for both partners to outline the details of their arrangement.

It’s appropriate for a Sugar Baby to ask for a sum of money per month. Other ways to establish a gentleman’s contract is to ask for something more concrete like a condo or a monthly payment for rent, a new car, a shopping spree for an updated wardrobe, or assistance with college tuition. In exchange, a Sugar Daddy might give an idea of how often he would like to see his Sugar Baby, and under what circumstances. The conditions can vary depending on a Sugar Daddy’s marital status, occupation or geographical location.

When a Sugar Daddy or Sugar Mommy come to an agreement with their younger companion, the mutually beneficial relationship is ready to begin – and both partners are ready for the excitement, adventures, and rewards of an honest partnership.
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